Category Archives: HTML5


d3 Circle Pack Label Truncation

I had a question in the comments for the treemap label wrapping post about how to go about truncating the labels within the d3 Circle Pack example from Mike Bostock. Here is what I came up with. For the sake of brevity, I used the SVG text element so you get truncation but not wrapping.… Read More »

d3 Wrapping Flow Tree Layout

One d3 visualization I’ve been refining for a while now uses a flowing tree layout. I wanted to have a structure similar to the standard d3 tree layout which would position consistently-sized leaf nodes (children) in a recursively flowing (wrapping) arrangement. I also wanted to take a stab at building this layout as a library… Read More »

d3 Treemap Label Truncation

I received a comment asking how to truncate labels in my treemap example. Here is a quick example showing how I handled it on a recent project. I am sure there are other ways to do this and if anyone has a better alternative, please detail it in the comments. Basically, when using labels in… Read More »

d3 Treemap with Title Headers

The D3 library is really a great way to create data visualizations in HTML5. I absolutely love it and its treemap is especially powerful. I wanted to create a treemap that showed grouping headers like the JIT version that has been around for a while, but it took a little more work to get D3… Read More »

PureMVC in Dojo

Having moved on from Flex to Javascript more than a year ago, I’ve continually run into the problem of trying to find frameworks to support large-scale Javascript applications that are truly robust and scalable. It is harder than I thought, and that is at least partially due to the inherently fast-and-loose nature of Javascript. In… Read More »